Thursday, March 26, 2009
I heart the simple life.....
Damnit Martha......
Friday, March 20, 2009
Crafting and such.....
1) Last night I finished the crocheted part of my crazy Japanese pattern bag. It's really inspired me to go out and find more of these patterns b/c it looks so cool. Now all I have to do it line it but it's going to be SICK. Look out friends, I may be mass producing these and gifting them so put in your color preference now!
Get the pattern and so many more here (for free!).
2) I have found the best craft site ever in the history of the world. OK that's a bit dramatic, but I'm all about it right now. Visit it, love it, buy my crap.
3) And for today's "What-the-fuck-ever-Martha" moment I give you this.......
Yeah, that's a rose made out of tissue paper, like I'm supposed to have time to just whip that shit up in my spare time. Damn you Martha, just when I feel like I'm getting on top of my crafting game you raise the bar. Damn you infernal woman!
HOWEVER, I do feel that my bag is way cooler than this sillly paper flower so there! :)
4) BIG PLANS tonight, Snuggies have been pimped and are ready to take SF by storm! Bring it on Polk Street! I'll report back later with tales of our evening....
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009